Track Relay Start Form Track Relay Start Line

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The 4 x 100 relay, also called the 400-meter relay, is a sprint relay with four runners. Each runner runs approximately 100 meters before handing off a baton to the next runner. Before running the 4 x 100 relay, make sure that you and your teammates are experienced with sprint running and have practiced the baton exchange. This will help you to decide the order of your team, and ensure that you run your best race possible!

  1. 1

    Place your best starter first. The ideal first runner has an explosive takeoff and never gets disqualified for false starts. This position also requires fast running around the bend of the oval track.[1]

  2. 2

    Choose the second runner. The second runner should perfect their baton handling skills, as the second leg involves both receiving and passing the baton. This is a straight leg, so this is a good spot for a fast sprinter who is not really good at bends/curves.[2]

    • This is a great spot for your fastest runner if they are much faster than the other three.[3] This is especially true if your fastest runner is also great at baton handoffs.
  3. 3

    Pick a good bend runner for the third leg. In general, shorter runners are best around curves because they can accelerate faster than taller runners. This position also benefits from good baton handoff skills, and from the ability to compete under the pressure.[4]

    • Although unorthodox, it could be smart to put your fastest runner here if they are also good on bends. A 200m specialist could do well on this leg.[5]
  4. 4

    End with an eager finisher. Many teams place their fastest runner last, perhaps so they can claim the glory! In fact, psychology may be more important than raw speed. This runner cannot get discouraged if they start the fourth leg behind the other teams. Choose a competitor who thrives under the end of race pressure.[6]

    • If your two fastest runners are much faster than the other two, place them second and fourth. This allows you to maximize the distance they run.[7]
    • At high levels of competition, choose a runner with advanced finishing techniques.[8] This includes "lifting," a running form with light ground contact and rapid knee lifts, and lunging, a carefully timed forward fall so the chest crosses the finish line sooner.[9]
  5. 5

    Adjust for smooth handoffs. All of your planning above will fall apart if an athlete can't perform consistent baton handoffs.[10] Consider these problems before you finalize the positions, and don't hesitate to rearrange if issues arise during practice:

    • Size differences: If one runner is much taller than another, they may have trouble exchanging batons smoothly. Space them out so they don't have to do a baton exchange.[11]
    • If a pair of athletes do not practice well together for temperamental reasons, and the coach cannot solve this problem, consider rearranging so they don't have a handoff together.
    • If one athlete is particularly poor at passing, consider placing them fourth. If an athlete is poor at receiving, consider putting them first.
  1. 1

    Pick the baton exchange method. There are generally three methods of passing the baton: the upsweep, the down sweep, and the push pass. Try all three and see which your teammates prefer:[12]

    • Upsweep: the outgoing runner runs with their hand behind them at hip level, palm down and thumb outstretched to form a V shape. The incoming runner inserts the baton upward between the thumb and fingers.
    • Downsweep: similar to the upsweep, but the outgoing runner's hand is palm up and receives the baton in a downward motion.
    • Push pass: the outgoing runner holds their arm high up behind them, with the palm sideways and the thumb pointing down. The incoming runner holds the baton vertically and pushes it into the palm.
  2. 2

    Stay on the correct side of the lane. When all goes well, the relay race is a smooth series of transfers, with no awkward jerks across the lane or switching from an athlete's left hand to the right. Practice this pattern until all four runners find it automatic:[13]

    • First runner holds baton in right hand and runs on the inside edge of the lane.
    • Second runner holds baton in left hand and stays on the outside.
    • Third runner holds baton in right hand and stays on the inside.
    • Fourth runner holds baton in left hand and receives on the outside.
  3. 3

    Decide where to relay the baton. Each baton handoff must occur inside a 20-meter changeover zone, between two yellow marks. The outgoing runner can start running up to 10 meters ahead of the changeover zone, but can only receive the baton within the zone. Use tactics as well as trial and error to find an exchange position that maximizes speed and smooth handoffs:

    • Ideally, you can exchange the baton about 5 meters from the end of the zone.[14] This gives the outgoing runner more time to accelerate before receiving.[15]
    • If the athletes have trouble with a quick handoff, or if they get nervous and slow down while waiting, exchange the baton just past the middle of the zone.[16]
    • If one athlete is significantly faster than the others, they can receive earlier in the zone, carrying the baton for more than 100 meters.
  4. 4

    Keep running after you release the baton. A huge mistake in relay racing is to slow down before you release the baton. The best way to prevent this is to form the habit of "running through the zone." Keep up a full sprint until you're about halfway through the next leg.[17] If both runners have positioned themselves well (on opposite sides of the lane), the incoming runner should be able to run close behind without fearing a collision.

  5. 5

    Do speed drills. The 4x100 is all about speed. To prepare for the race, do drills such as hill sprints, suicides, and sprinting around comes to work on your agility and speed. Hill sprints are especially good for improving acceleration.[18]

  6. 6

    Practice the whole race. You don't want the first time you run the race to be at the track meet or event. Run the event several times at least, at full speed. Have a coach or friend who is knowledgeable about running time each of your attempts. Also, have your friend or coach watch each runner and offer any critiques that they might have.[19]

  1. 1

    Position each runner. After doing warm-ups, make sure that every runner is in position. The first runner should be positioned on the starting blocks, holding the baton in his or her right hand.[20]

    • The second runner should be positioned at the acceleration zone 10 meters before the first exchange zone. Each exchange zone is marked on most tracks by large, usually red, triangles. There should be a smaller triangle that marks the acceleration zone, which is where the second runner should be positioned.
    • The third runner should be at the second acceleration zone before the exchange zone, and the fourth runner should be at the last acceleration zone.
  2. 2

    Start at the whistle. As soon as the whistle is blown, the first runner should start sprinting. Make sure that they lean in and accelerate through the bend in the track. They will run slightly more than 100 meters to the first exchange zone.

    • Make sure that the runner runs on the inside of their lane, on the left-hand side, so that they can pass the baton to the next runner's left hand.
  3. 3

    Do the first baton exchange. The first runner, with the baton in their right hand, will approach the exchange zone. The second runner should have their head turned, watching the incoming runner. When the incoming runner is about 7 meters from the outgoing runner, the outgoing runner should turn their head back and start running with their hand out. The first runner will hand the baton over to the second runner, who will take the baton in their left hand if the first runner hold it at his/her right hand.[21]

    • Make sure that the baton exchange happens within the exchange zone because your team will be disqualified if it happens before or after the zone.
  4. 4

    Do the second baton exchange. The second runner will a straight leg of the track for another 100 meters. Make sure they are running on the right side of their lane. Meanwhile, the third runner will start running as soon as the second runner approaches the exchange zone. The second runner will pass the baton from his or her left hand into the right hand of the third runner.

    • Again, be sure that the baton exchange happens within the exchange zone.
  5. 5

    Do the final exchange. The third runner will run around the bend on the track, the baton in their right hand. As they approach the last exchange zone, the fourth runner will start running with their hand out, and the incoming runner will put the baton in their left hand, making sure the exchange happens within the exchange zone.[22]

  6. 6

    Finish the race. The fourth runner, with the baton in their left hand, will run another 100 meters past the exchange zone to finish the race. Make sure that the fourth runner doesn't slow down before the finish line, and instead sprints until they have crossed the line, with the baton still in their hand.[23]

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    How should I prepare in advance?

    Kai Ng

    Kai Ng
    Certified Running Coach

    Kai Ng is a USATF and RRCA Certified Running Coach at Run Coach Kai. Kai has competed in over 55 races and over 15 marathons. He specializes in coaching runners of all levels and showing people that everyone can be a runner. Kai is committed to helping his clients reach their goals by showing them how to run with proper form and holding them accountable to train consistently.

    Kai Ng

    Certified Running Coach

    Expert Answer

    One of the most important things to work on is the transition. It doesn't matter how fast and efficient you are if you're not passing the baton successfully. It's important to work with your teammates on transition.

  • Question

    If I have two slow runners and two very fast runners, how should I position them and get a fast time?

    Community Answer

    Fast, slow, slow, fast. This pattern can usually encourage the slower members to keep the lead up.

  • Question

    How can I increase my speed?

    Community Answer

    Run on the balls of your feet instead of running flat-footed. Pump your arms and bring them up to nose/eye/ear height.

  • Question

    When I don't complete a race because of a drop of the baton, do I need to finish the race?

    Community Answer

    You do need to finish the race. If there is a disqualification, this would be sorted out post race but assume nothing until the end, other than trying to win.

  • Question

    What should I do if two runners aren't very fast? Where should I position them?

    Community Answer

    Place them in the middle.

  • Question

    Where d0 4 x 100 relays take place?

    Community Answer

    4 x 100 relays take place on outdoor or indoor tracks, where all of the zones and starting lines are marked.

  • Question

    What happens if I step on the line of a lane? Is there a disqualification?

    Community Answer

    You can be disqualified for stepping on the line, but only if the judges think you gained an advantage. If you step outside your lane for a moment on the straightway and do not interfere with another runner, you are unlikely to be disqualified. You are also allows to leave your lane to retrieve a dropped baton, as long as it does not shorten the distance traveled.

  • Question

    What are the measurements of the baton?

    Community Answer

    USA Track & Field uses a baton between 28 and 30 centimeters long, with a 4 centimeter diameter.

  • Question

    How do I pass the baton?

    Community Answer

    Your 4x100 team should have two words they say. For example, "set" and "go." As the runner approaches the next runner, he should yell "set" at a reasonable distance. The second runner should then start a fast jog until he receives the baton. Then, the one passing the baton should yell "go" so the new runner knows when to fully sprint. You should also pass it from right to left, back to right, and finish with left as this will make the hand offs faster and cleaner.

  • Question

    How should I place my runners?

    Community Answer

    Place your runners so the first runner is the second fastest, the second runner is the third fastest, the third runner is the fourth fastest, and the anchor is the fastest.

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  • Look back at the incoming runner while you are in starting position. Once you've started running, however, do not look back. Just put your hand behind you and trust your teammate to get you the baton.

  • If the team has trouble with silent handoffs, use verbal cues ("hand!") to guide yourselves through the process. You can also practice verbal cues to tell the runner ahead of you to speed up or slow down.

  • Don't panic if you drop the baton. Pick it back up and keep going. Even though you may have lost a little time, never stop after dropping the baton.

  • Even if you are the first or fourth runner, learning to receive and pass the baton can unlock doors later on. If you advance to higher levels of competition, you could end up on a team of "anchors" (fourth leg runners), and discover no one has trained in passing.[24]

  • Make sure you make the exchanges inside the exchange zones, or you'll get disqualified.

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Article Summary X

To run a 4X100 relay, place your most explosive starter first. Pick a second runner who has perfect baton skills and is an excellent sprinter, while the third leg requires someone who is good at running the curves. The final runner needs to thrive under pressure and have a high level of competition. As you practice for the race, pick a baton exchange method that everyone's comfortable with. Also, decide where within the changeover zone the runners will relay the baton. For tips on what side of the lane runners should use, keep reading!

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Track Relay Start Form Track Relay Start Line


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