Ap Human Geography the Grand Review Answers Pdf

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Mercator Projection

Mercator Project


Goode'due south

Robinson Projection

Robinson Projection

Azimuthal projection

Azimuthal projection

Polar Projection

Polar Projection

Mollweide Projection

Mollweide Project

a computer organisation that stores, organizes, retrieves, analyzes, and displays geographic information


the forms superimposed on the physical environment by the activities of humans

cultural landscape

the spread of an idea or innovation from its source

cultural diffusion

interactions between homo societies and the physical environment

cultural ecology

a space-based global navigation satellite system


the concrete environment, rather than social conditions, determines culture

environmental determinism

the pocket-sized- or large – scale conquering of data of an object or phenomenon, either in recording or real time

remote sensing

Cull the one that doesn't belong and write WHY:
a) township and range
b) amassed rural settlement
c) filigree street design

b) clustered rural settlement
– A filigree design, township, and range are more dispersed and have space rather than a clustered rural settlement that are houses and farm buildings situated close together.

Choose the one that doesn't vest and write WHY:
a) site
b) situation
c) its relative location

a) site
– A relative location and situation is the location of a place relative to another place, while site is the actual location.

Choose the one that doesn't vest and write WHY:
a) breadth and longitude
b) site
c) situation
d) accented location

c) state of affairs
– absolute location, site, and latitude and longitude are the bodily location of a place, while situation is the relative location

Cull the ane that doesn't vest and write WHY:
a) globalization
b) nationalism
c) foreign investment
d) multinational corporations

b) nationalism
– nationalism is the loyalty and devotion to a particular nationality, while the other choices are the effects of westernization and no specific devotion to a detail nationality.

Choose the ane that doesn't belong and write WHY:
a) major airport
b) grid street pattern
c) major primal park
d) natural harbor
e) public sports facility

d) natural harbor
– natural harbor is a landform of water, while the other selections are mostly places that a lot of people go to each and every day.

Cull the one that doesn't belong and write WHY:
a) Westernization
b) compatible consumption
c) enhanced communications
d) local traditions

d) local traditions
– local tradition is a role of folk culture, which doesn't relate to westernization or compatible consumption, or enhanced communications.

Choose the one that doesn't belong and write WHY:
a) fourth dimension zones
b) China
c) U.s.a. railroads
d) fifteen degrees

b) China
– China is only a identify and there is nothing specifically being said about it. The other choices have something that corresponds with each other; such as every fifteen degrees you movement e or west you lot are now in a new time zone

Formal Region

Milwaukee, and Wisconsin

Functional Region

the Milwaukee Periodical Sentinel and an airplane hub

Vernacular region

The Southward and the Rust Belt

The "why of where" refers to:

d) the idea that the caption of a spatial pattern is crucial

Which of the following sets of maps would assist explain how 'scale of inquiry' affects truth?

c) maps showing Michigan's population density by counties and the United states of america population density past state

Label the population pyramid

Stage ii

Characterization the population pyramid

Stage iii

Label the population pyramid

Stage 4

Label the population pyramid

Stage iii

Characterization the population pyramid

Stage 4

Label the population pyramid

Stage five

the power of a resource base to sustain its population

carrying capacity

a population shift from urban to rural areas

counter urbanization

the number of working-age people compared to the number of people likewise old or likewise young to work

dependency ratio

migration inside a state

internal migration

migration between states

external migration

the divergence between in-migration and out-migration

net migration

the process by which immigrants from a particular place follow others from the place to another place

chain migration

flight of talented people abroad from an area

brain drain

CBR-CDR per thou

natural increment rate

number of children a woman is likely to have

total fertility charge per unit

number of deaths under the age of 2 per m

infant mortality charge per unit

Choose the cause of the other two:
a) water
b) population growth
c) agriculture

a) h2o

Cull the crusade of the other two:
a) Columbus discovers America
b) crops exchanged between the Western and Eastern hemisphere
c) millions of Native Americans are killed by disease

a) Columbus discovers America

Choose the cause of the other two:
a) 1 – kid policy
b) poverty
c) overpopulation

c) overpopulation

Choose the cause of the other ii:
a) poverty
b) drug trafficking
c) guest workers

a) poverty

Choose the cause of the other ii:
a) high standard of living
b) big metropolitan population
c) Stage 3 of the demographic transition

c) Stage three of the demographic transition

Choose the consequence of the other two:
a) poverty
b) war
c) migration

c) migration

Choose the effect of the other two:
a) racism
b) exclusion of non-white immigrants
c) quota laws from the 1920s to the 1960s

c) quota laws from the 1920s to the 1960s

Choose the effect of the other two:
a) immature age structure
b) non married
c) loftier level of migration

c) high level of migration

Choose the effect of the other two:
a) cold atmospheric condition
b) warm coastal waters
c) population clusters virtually the equator and declension

c) population clusters about the equator and coast

Choose the event of the other two:
a) increased trade
b) rich natural resources
c) population cluster on the coast

a) increased trade

Ii-thirds of the world's population is clustered in four regions. Which of the post-obit is non one of these iv regions?

c) sub-saharan africa

Assuming a world population of 5,700,000,000 and an almanac growth rate of one.vi percent, how many people will exist added to the world'southward population in the next year?

c) 91,200,000

The population of the U.s. is approximately 300 million, and the state area is approximately 9 million square kilometers. The arithmetic density of the U.s.a. is approximately

b) 30 persons per square kilometer

Which continent(s) is/are commonly associated with high numbers of refugees in the early 21st century?

c) 1 and ii


No god
Republic of india


Ancient Indus River Valley (Pakistan)


Saudi Arabia


Israel, Jerusalem, and the US


Utah, US

Orthodox Christianity



State of israel

Roman Catholicism


Fragmentation of a region into smaller units


A mutual language

lingua franca

An example of ethnic nationalism


An case of linguistic fragmentation


An example of how faith can influence geography

Feng shui

Minority branch of Islam just majority in Iraq and Islamic republic of iran


Architectural style that diffused from New England to the Swell Lakes

Cape Cod

Uneven development


Sub-land nationalism


Linguistic homogeneity


A strong tradition of local governance


National symbols


Fragmented state


External threats


Cultural homogeneity


Mod communication


All of the following twentieth-century migration streams were propelled by persecution or open conflict EXCEPT

e) Mexicans leaving United mexican states

if four languages take similar words for numbers and the names of the fish, but different names for a certain disease, what might be concluded about the time at which the disease first diffused?

b) the population divided and evolved into the 4 dissimilar languages, and then the disease spread

Which of the following correctly sequences the continuum from language family to dialect?

due east) Indo-European, Germanic, English, Midland-Northern

Contact zones between religions are most likely to violate when they are

due east) associated with competing ethno-national claims to territory

____________ is to Canada equally ___________ is to the United states

b) French; Spanish

Mexico is

h) 1, ii, 3, iv, five

Which of the post-obit aspects of diffusion of Western culture threaten not-Western ways of life?

d) 1, three, 4, 5

Put the following in club from the largest to the smallest: Census tract, county, municipality, nation-state, province, empire

Empire, Nation-State, Province, County, Municipality, Census Tract

Explain the following: "God, gold, and glory":

The three reasons for Colonialism:
one) European Missionaries establishing colonies to promote Christianity
two) Government's establishing colonies to admission raw materials and resources
iii) Government'south establishing colonies to increment prestige of that country

Multi-state nation

Republic of indonesia

Compact state

Vatican City

Perforated state

South Africa

Fragmented state


Landlocked state



d) has a forward upper-case letter


c) is a sovereign country


a) was a hearth

Federal state

Canada, Germany, United mexican states, United states of america

Confederal state


Colonial powers in Africa, 1850

Portugal, Espana, Italian republic, United kingdom, France, and Deutschland

Colonial powers in Africa, 1900

Portugal, Spain, Italy, Britain, France, and Germany

Colonial powers in Africa, 1950

Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Italian republic, and French republic

model that demonstrates the transfer of resource from less developed to more developed areas


the fringe of a state


state beyond the edge


the node of a state


an area the retains a distinction from a larger area


manipulating boundaries for political proceeds


an expanse rather than a line



Case: Ural mountains forming a rugged spine in West-Fundamental Russia and the boundary betwixt Europe and Asia


Example: Germany and Italian republic emerged in the 19th century equally states unified by linguistic communication. Boundaries fatigued around Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Romania to conform to the distribution of speakers


South Asia, when the British partitioned India into two states on the basis of faith. The predominantly Muslim partitions were allocated to Pakistan whereas the predominantly Hindu portions became the independent country of India


Aras – Armenia and Turkey


The 1,000 kilo (600 mile) boundary between Republic of chad and Libya is a straight line drawn beyond the desert to set the northern limit of French colonies in Africa

the Greenish Line

Israel/Hashemite kingdom of jordan

The European union, the Arab League, and the United nations are all examples of

d) supranational organizations

Which of the post-obit has fostered the most significant economic growth past eliminating import tariffs between member country?

a) Eu (EU)

The provisions of the Un Conference on the Constabulary of the Body of water give coastal countries navigational and economic sovereignty over which of the post-obit zones?

a) twelve-nautical-mile territorial sea zone

An increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of authorities primarily to

e) see all of the above needs

Cull the 1 that doesn't belong:
a) increases in the amount of country nether cultivation
b) increases in the agricultural workforce
c) increases in the use of energy and technology

b) increases in the agricultural workforce

Choose the one that doesn't vest:
a) plantation farming
b) hunting and gathering
c) subsistence agriculture

a) plantation farming

Choose the ane that doesn't belong:
a) efficient transportation
b) regionalized cuisine
c) corporately controlled farms

b) regionalized cuisine

Choose the one that doesn't belong:
a) manufacturing plant farms
b) genetic engineering
c) high food prices
d) Dark-green Revolution

c) high food prices

Choose the i that doesn't belong:
a) California
b) Mediterranean agronomics
c) "happy cows"
d) sharecropping
e) wheat

d) sharecropping

Cull the one that doesn't belong:
a) soy beans
b) coffee
c) wheat
d) corn
e) rice

b) coffee

Choose the one that doesn't belong:
a) beefiness
b) railroad
c) Milwaukee, 1900

c) Milwaukee, 1900

Choose the i that doesn't belong:
a) Bully Plains Native Americans – Buffalo
b) Eskimos – snow
c) Hawaiians – wigwams
d) Wisconsin settlers – log cabins
e) Great Plains settlers – sod and thatch

c) Hawaiians – wigwams

Choose the i that doesn't belong:
a) shifting agriculture
b) tropical climate
c) global warming
d) depletion of soil
e) commercial agriculture

e) commercial agriculture

Choose the one that doesn't vest:
a) sustainable agriculture
b) express employ of chemicals
c) integration of crops and livestock
d) employ of pesticide resistant seed
due east) organic farms

d) use of pesticide resistant seed

Cull the ane that doesn't belong:
a) nomads
b) pastoralism
c) hunting and gathering
d) subsistence agriculture
e) shifting agronomics
f) terracing

c) hunting and gathering

Choose the ane that doesn't belong:
a) hunting and gathering
b) it is limited to topical areas
c) gender-based partitioning of labor
d) Phase ane of the demographic transition

c) gender-based division of labor

Isolated farmsteads in the United States evolved every bit a consequence of all of the following EXCEPT

a) political stability

Grain raised in the United States is used today primarily as

c) livestock feed

With respect to the relationship between culture, religion, and the physical environment

b) religious ideas may be responsible for some of the changes people make in the physical surroundings

A mutual deviation(south) betwixt farms in an LDC (similar Pakistan) vs. farms in an MDC (like the US) that grow the aforementioned crop is

c) the income derived from crops

What is a milk shed and why is it of import?

A milk shed is an expanse surrounding a city from which milk is supplied. The milk shed is important because milk is quick to spoil, and then it has to be located close to the market in social club to give the markets fresh milk

Terracing, Mediterranean agriculture, pastoralism


Terracing, shifting agriculture


Arid climate, irrigation, little pork production, pastoralism


Wheat, piffling pork production, pastoralism


Factory farms, large pork product


Wheat, Mediterranean agriculture


Soft-drinkable bottling


Nickel smelting


Automobile assembly

bulk-gaining; but-in time

Motorcar parts manufacturing

bulk gaining

Electronics manufacturing

bulk gaining

Extract natural resources from the environment


Transform raw materials into finished products


Involve the collection, processing, and manipulation of data


Involve the commutation of goods and the provision of services


Involve the product of fresh produce for urban markets



Canada, United states, and Mexico

Highest consumption of fossil fuels per capita


The Iv Asian Tigers

Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and S Korea

Atlantic-Pacific Canal

Panama Canal

Loftier last cost, high line cost, high route flexibility


Loftier terminal cost, low line cost, high route flexibility


High last cost, depression line cost, low route flexibility


Depression terminal cost, loftier line toll, loftier route flexibility


Phase 1
(The Traditional Society)

Contains a very high percentage of people engaged in agronomics and a high percentage of national wealth allocated to what Rostow called "non productive" activities, such as the military and faith

Stage two
(The Preconditions for Takeoff)

Process of development begins when an aristocracy group initiates innovative economic activities. Under the influence of these well-educated leaders, the state starts to invest in new technology and infrastructure, such every bit water supplies and transportation systems. These projects will ultimately stimulate an increase in productivity

Stage 3
(The Takeoff)

Rapid growth is experienced in few select businesses. These advances "fuel the fire" by providing capital for the other businesses to utilise

Stage four
(The Drive to Maturity)

Modern technology, previously bars to the takeoff industries, diffuses to every facet of the economic system which and so realized rapid growth

Phase 5
(The Historic period of Mass Consumption)

The economic system shifts from second sector to 3rd and consumer appurtenances begin to abound in numbers

Standard of living =
refers to the quality and quantity of appurtenances and services available to people and the way they're distributed within a population

– because the country is more advanced there are more resource that are able to be distributed within a population

Crude Birth Rate

– more than women are pursuing better careers and aren't worrying almost having children, so the CBR would be depression.

Rough Death Rate

– considering less births are happening and more medical choices are bachelor in that location are less deaths happening than before.

Natural Increase Rate

– because both the CBR and CDR are used to summate the NIR and they are low, than the NIR would also exist low too.

Life Expectancy =
Average number of years an individual tin can be expected to live

– more than availability to medicine and wellness services creates longer life spans.

Literacy Rate =
The percentage of a land's people who tin read and write

– with more contest for jobs and the more education needed more people are being educated to uphold the certain skills needed.

Gross domestic product

– with more resources to assistance others, bachelor services would increment gradually.

Gender Empowerment Measure out

– with more women going to piece of work than staying at abode, both genders are equally capable of obtaining jobs in politics.

Pollution =
Addition of more waste than a resource tin can suit

– alternative energy sources accept been institute, and are existence put to utilise to help the temper.

Jobs in the informal sector

– more people are moving away from hobs similar mining and agriculture and pursuing jobs in the concern sector.

Banking, finance, insurance

New York, London, and Tokyo

Ozone depletion


Which of the following arguments aid explain why 75% of those employed in Consign Processing Zones, such as maquiladoras, are women?

b) 2 and 3 only

Which of the post-obit has contributed virtually to the deindustrialization of regions like the English Midlands and the N American Manufacturing Belt?

b) competition from foreign imports

In recent decades, all of the following take played a major part in the rapid growth of Sun Chugalug cities of the United States EXCEPT

d) climatic changed leading to colder northern winters

Un recognition of a state'southward "exclusive economic zone" allows the state to

b) claim national economic jurisdiction over 200 nautical miles of water extending from its coast

Contemporary manufacturing is characterized by

c) spatial disaggregation of the product process

South Korea

Primate City Rule


Rank Size Rule

Choose the i that doesn't belong:
a) megalopolis
b) core surface area
c) Boston to Washington, D.C.
d) Los Angeles to San Diego

d) Los Angeles to San Diego

Choose the one that doesn't belong:
a) Brookfield Square
b) border urban center
c) gentrification
d) suburban sprawl
eastward) white flight

c) gentrification

Choose the one that doesn't belong:
a) bunch
b) business park
c) decentralization
d) edge cities

a) agglomeration

Choose the one that doesn't belong:
a) blockbusting and racial steering
b) redlining by financial institutions
c) concentration of public housing
d) fixed school district boundaries
eastward) Economic Enterprise Zones

eastward) Economic Enterprise Zones

Cull the one that doesn't belong:
a) France
b) Mesopotamia
c) Mexico
d) Northward China
e) the Indus Valley

a) France

Choose the one that doesn't vest:
a) globe cities
b) Chicago
c) Mumbai
d) Tokyo

a) world cities

Cull the one that doesn't belong:
a) 500 B.C. – defensive sites
b) A.D. 1700 – water power
c) A.D. 1800 – railroad junctions
d) pre-1950 – navigable waterways
due east) post- 1950 – highways

d) pre-1950 – navigable waterways

Choose the 1 that doesn't belong:
a) urban
b) Africa
c) Asia
d) Due south America

b) Africa

Place the following in order from least to recent to most recent: "big box" superstore, downtown business district, shopping mall, Internet

1. Downtown business commune
2. Shopping mall
iii. "Big Box" superstore
4. Net

Export primarily to consumers outside the settlement

yard) non-basic industries

Sell to people within the settlement

a) basic industries

Bones industries minus non-basic industries

j) urban bureaucracy

Related to talent

east) homo uppercase

Related to the level of services provided

c) central plaza

Center of Latin American cities

b) CBD

Provided to people by government

h) public housing

The presence of which greatly diminishes the attractiveness of site further away

f) intervening opportunities

Illegal occupation of a residential district

i) squatter settlement

Which of the post-obit environmental problems is of most immediate concern to policy-makers in New England?

a) overharvesting of breeding stock by commercial fishers

Which of the following was NOT a reason for rapid suburbanization in the The states later the Second World War?

b) reduction in long-altitude commuting

According to the rank size dominion, if the largest city in a state has a population of 10 million, the adjacent largest city volition have a population of

d) five meg

Today, about of the United States and Canadian population lives in which of the following?

d) metropolitan areas

Public transit is more all-encompassing in Western European cities than in the Usa primarily because

b) European governments subsidize public transit

The attraction of the phone call center industry to locate in India can best be explained by

e) none of the to a higher place

Historically, the growth of North American suburbs was most constrained by

c) limited transportation

In Latin America, data for employment in many large urban areas are most likely to be incomplete because

e) many people wore in the informal sector

Spreading parts production and fabrication amid many countries or communities

b) increases big corporations bargaining power with local governments and labor

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Source: https://www.greenontheinside.net/ap-human-geography-the-grand-review-review-packet-answers-essay-example/

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